

遲了兩星期後才回覆email真係幾瘀,是不是每次都要Say Sorry?其實不然,有時給出具體建議會更有效。而當打工仔真的遲了回覆一個重要email時,以下就有三個template給大家參考。

所有打工仔都試過,有封要即時回覆的email或message,明明提醒了自己要今日內回覆,但唔記得、拖拖下就會兩、三星期後才行動,看到對方電郵中大大寫著「Urgent」,這時候用一句「Sorry for my late reply」來回應對方,真的會「幾瘀」。



首先,並非所有遲覆的email、訊息都需要道歉。有時候,當我們用一句「So so sorry」來認低威,卻會產生最差的結果:對方會覺得我們虛偽,畢竟如果真的著緊、有抱歉之意的話,就不會兩星期(甚至兩個月)後才回覆了。回覆的時機表現了你的著緊程度。當真的遲覆對方時,有甚麼方法表示你仍然著緊那件事呢?將焦點集中於對方的要求上。與其花長篇大論道歉、解釋為甚麼會遲覆,倒不如用一句承認自己遲了,然後move on好過。

Move On,給出具體建議

Move On是關鍵,直接就討論事件提出你的回應、建議,注意,回應一定要具備實際內容,要不然那只會又一次浪費雙方時間。這個方法的好處其一是轉移對方焦點,再糾纏於遲覆上只會在對方的不滿和怒氣火上加油;其二是透過提出具體回應來表現彌補的誠意,加快工作進程。

當然了,說不說sorry都要看具體情況而定。如果遲些回覆並不會阻礙到對方的工作時,便無需加一句「Sorry for late reply」。但相反,遲覆會拖延對方的進度,例如遲了拒絕工作offer、遲了交租等等,還是真心說句Sorry吧。

遲覆email Template


一. 對方有所請求

Dear XXX,

Last month, you asked me if I knew (事件), and I apologize for not answering sooner. Are you still hoping to(事件)? I just discovered a couple of people who might be helpful. Let me know if you want me to make some introductions.

And if there’s anything else I can do for you, just ask. I promise I’ll try to be quicker next time!


Your name

二. 告知對方沒有得到offer




My sincere apologies for the slow reply; I’d hoped to get back to you sooner. We very much enjoyed having you here for the job interview, as well as our conversation over lunch, but have decided to move forward with another candidate.

Given your extensive credentials and sterling reputation, we’d love to keep you in mind for other positions that might open up in the future. I’d also be happy to refer you to others in the industry who might be hiring. Let me know if I can put you in touch.


Your name

三.  告知對方合作計劃中止

Dear YYY,

I hope you’re doing well. My sincerest apologies for not getting back to you about the cooperation sooner. After thinking it over, our team doesn’t think this will work out— (不能合作的原因).

However, you’re clearly talented and motivated, and I’d be more than happy to see if I know anyone at another company who could use your product. Let me know if you’re interested.


Your name